midewifery 2021-11-16T14:37:23+07:00 Open Journal Systems <p>Jurna Midwifery adalah jurnal pubilaksi hasil penelitian bidang kesehatan tentang ilmu kebidanan</p> HUBUNGAN PRILAKU CARING PERAWAT DENGAN TINGKAT KEPUASAN ORANG TUA DI RUANG RAWAT INAP ANAK PUSKESMAS BLEGA KABUPATEN BANGKALAN 2021-11-16T14:19:38+07:00 rouf abdul mannan manan <p><em>Caring</em> behavior is an attitude performed by nurses where there is interaction between nurses and patient or family based on the responsibility, mutual support and appreciation. Caring behavior that is considered important to be done for nurses in providing satisfaction, not only for patients, their family, but also for nurses to provide satisfaction, nor patients and families, but also for nurses.</p> <p>The level of child parents satisfaction means the level of fulfillment of needs and desires which appropriate or more than parent’s expectation to the nursing service that has been given in inpatient room for childin Puskesmas Blega kabupaten Bangkalan.</p> <p>The current design of this research used cross sectional approach of sample selected using total sampling technique with 37 respondents. The correlation test result obtained sig value of 0.000 and correlation value of 0,592. The value is &lt;0.05 so that means there is a strong correlation between caring behavior on nurses and the level of parental satisfaction received.</p> <p>The result of the study, the caring behaviours on nurses is expected to be able to improve. so they maintaily to increase the level of patient-family satisfaction exspecially with which they served to them. Nurses can improve both the caring behavior and the level of infant statisfaction by participating in seminar or training to improve their softskill.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2021-11-16T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2021 midewifery